WoW… Ferrari Bikin Sepeda Motor?

Rabu, 07 Juli 2010

sepeda motor ferrari

Bahasa Indonesia

Here is the biggest news for all monster bikers. A Ferrari motorcycle is in the making! You got it right! Pondering over the question- “Why there is no Ferrari motorcycle?” that rose in his office, Israeli industrial designer Amir Glinik conceptualized the Ferrari motorcycle. His design is influenced by Vintage and modern Ferrari projects and the idea is to produce a practical machine, not in any way a “star wars” future ride.

sepeda motor ferrari

This maybe the most radical idea on this project and may take a year to be fully developed, but it sure will conquer the world with its beautiful streamlined and sleek body. Using drive-by-wire technology, the V4 super bike features hand controls adapted from an F-16 fighter jet and buttons based on those found on the steering wheel of Ferrari�s Formula 1 racecars. Other controls for the sound system and trip computer are located on an all weather touch screen. Glinik�s design also incorporates several high-tech gadget attachments, reminiscent of Ferrari cars.

sepeda motor ferrari

sepeda motor ferrari

Apart from the traditional Ferrari Red, Glinik also gives possibilities of a Black Bike with maybe a 5 point star aluminum rims. If Ferrari is going to enter into a new field, it might just as well incorporate more colors into its designs. Ferrari lovers can just wait before they go Vroom-Vroom!!

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